work with us

Chronic disease is primarily driven by lifestyle and behavior; and purposefully designed Wellness Programs & Workshops are game-changers in regard to allowing affordable access to REAL and lasting health.  

Health and healing are natural processes, and the body seeks to be healthy by default as long as we provide it with what it requires.  SATAURA provides strategies necessary to unleash and enhance these natural processes by utilizing our proven 4-PILLAR APPROACH.

These “pillars” are the foundation and lifeblood of our program; because when any of these areas are out of balance, they are the primary contributors and drivers of chronic disease & death.  But conversely, by positively addressing each of these pillars; profound and lasting changes abound.

new custome taylor work shop

Corporate Tailored Workshops

With a foundational focus on lasting behavior change, our corporate programs and workshops help to facilitate a completely new way of “wiring in” positive, health-promoting habits and behaviors while improving the overall culture, community, productivity, and bottom line. A TRUE gift to your employees – with a big R.O.I. for the organization.

MOVEment Mastery

Did you know that back injuries are THE most common injuries, only second to the common cold? Our MOVEment Mastery program will teach your employees HOW to perform functional movement patterns, creating an effective workforce and decreasing the chance for injury on the job. "This program is a MUST for employees who's job requires repeated use of their physical body"

Customized Keynote Speaking

Invest in your employees health and well-being with our expert keynote presentations. Change your culture. Improve productivity. Increase your bottom line. Contact us for customized options tailored to your organization.

Sports & Functional Medicine Clinics

Retain patients and expand your suite of services with our live and online foundational health and mobility educational modules – utilizing SATAURA’s proven “4-Pillar Approach”.

C-Suite Mentor Coaching

Take your health & wellness to new heights - in all areas - with our expert Mentor Coaching Options. Live and online options. Tap into your REAL potential!

spa retreat

Jumpstart & Immersion Retreats

Luxury meets profound, lasting behavior change. Break negative patterns and addictive behaviors with a remote, deep immersion into SATAURA’s 4-Pillar Approach. Learn how to literally wire-in behaviors and start moving towards your highest potential.


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